Thursday, January 24, 2019

Haven't written in a while

As time permits I'd like to get back on the bandwagon and write some blog posts to help me document technologies I've learned in the past and what I'm currently investing time in.  I find that writing things down helps me structure and remember information of importance to me.  Some of the topics I'll be covering include (not in a particular order):

  1. PowerShell
  2. S2D
  3. Azure
  4. Cloud vs. On Prem
  5. Hyper-V
  6. Architecting a DataCenter
    1. Clos network design
      1. Routing
      2. Layer 2
      3. Vxlan
      4. eVPN
      5. Converged vs separate storage/compute
    2. Server
    3. Storage options
    4. Power
    5. Cabling

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